Even though my old blog had literally 5 posts, because I am either:
- A good internet citizen
- A narcissist
- Both
I have decided to do the good thing and do 302 redirects from the old posts to their new locations.
The first thing I needed to do was point my old blog (blog.abrahamheidebrecht.co) to the new location (gettinggui.com). This was easy to do with my domain registrar, hover.
Sidenote: hover is awesome. Definitely the best registrar I've used. If you haven't looked into them, go there now. Thank me later.
Because my old blog was using wordpress, the permalinks are slightly different from the ghost ones. Thankfully, I wasn't including the date, so it is literally off by one extra word in the path. My wordpress links were of the form /archives/post-slug
and the ghost permalinks look are just /post-slug
. Now, I am the furthest thing from an expert when it comes to configuring websites, but my spidey sense is telling me this should be easy. It is one word!
Because I am running the new blog on Azure, it is running under IIS (with nodeiis to host ghost). This means I can issue redirects through the web.config
file. After a bit of googlefu, I altered my web.config
to have two new rules (one is for the old rss feed, which is an even simpler redirect):
<rule name="wp-redirect" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="archives/(.+)$" />
<action type="Redirect" url="/{R:1}" redirectType="Permanent" />
<rule name="wp-rss" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="feed" />
<action type="Redirect" url="/rss" redirectType="Permanent" />
And bam, the old site's links point to my new blog!